4-Dec-93 11:13:12-GMT,67088;000000000000 Return-Path: Received: from SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU by CAMIS.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0) id AA29268; Sat, 4 Dec 93 03:13:09 PST Full-Name: Info-Mac Moderator Received: by SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU (4.1/inc-1.0) id AA07340; Wed, 1 Dec 93 06:50:23 PST Message-Id: <9312011450.AA07340@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU> Date: Wed, 1 Dec 93 06:47:20 PST From: The Moderators Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #232 To: info-mac-list@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU Info-Mac Digest Wed, 1 Dec 93 Volume 11 : Issue 232 Today's Topics: [*] Apple's PowerPC Q&A (22k) [*] DeBabelizer 1.55 Update [*] internet-services-faq-15.txt [*] mac.ftp.list Version 3.7.9 [*] room-0-9-demo.hqx [*] TidBITS#204/29-Nov-93 "Not Enough Memory to Keep..." & more 128MB Optical Disks - any differences in brands? 32-bit clean programming languages 840AV ethernet Accolades to Mac's Place ANSWERING-MACHINE MODEMS. apple midi manager [Q] blank icons Chip for swap (VRAM) Choosing a Printer [A] Color IT(tm) Delrin Fax Pro (A?) DeskPaint & DeskDraw (Q) DeskPaint & DeskDraw (R) Disk Partition Question Disney After Dark memory requirements Duo Disaster--Modem and Memory Conflict! Ethernet / Classic II conne Fax Software (R) Forgetting SuperPaint transformations (Q) FreeHand 4.0: which >120 free fonts? Hard Partitioning How can an application find it's own data fork? Info-Mac Digest V11 #229 Info-Mac Digest V11 #230 InStat 2.01 on LC 520 -- has anyone done it? Is there a MacTools 2.0 Emergency Disk with minSys7.1? Jabberwocky LineLink Modem FAQ? LineLink problems long lines and word wrap from hell (c) LPD (Unix-style line-printer-daemon) for Mac? mac TCP Microsoft Word OptiMem PC CGM Files to the Mac World Photoshop 2.5.1 breaks my Abaton 8-bit upgrade PLW-LS Driver Update PLW NTR Upgrade Board (Q) Point Package Recommendations [Q] PowerPC 68040 emulation (C) Quadra 660AV Info Wanted RasterOps Accelerator (C) RasterOps Accelerator info wanted (A) Screensaver with password unfade - answer Sound Manager 3.0 (Q) suggestion and question SUMEX-AIM Connections (AFS) [C] Super Drive problem SWII cartridge in SWI? System version for Classic tablets Time line creation utility TYPEING-TEACHING-PROGRAMM Video OUT on a quadra 610 (Q) Virus protection for PC (thank you) Watermark in Word 5.1 How? WFW <-> AppleTalk and MSMail (Q) Working Applications -> Icons (C) Working Applications -> Icons (Q) The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts and Liam Breck. The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous, any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu []. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help. Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu. Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 12:19:49 -0600 From: Dieder Bylsma Subject: [*] Apple's PowerPC Q&A (22k) Forwarded from Mac-L: info on PowerPC >FYI. Q & A on the PowerPC Macintosh in five easy lessons: >Customer Issues >Transition Issues >System Software Issues >Application Issues >Competitive Issues > >About 22K of Apple propaganda follows. [Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/powerpc-qa.txt; 22K] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 12:22:59 -0600 From: "Gregory Smirin" Subject: [*] DeBabelizer 1.55 Update [*] DeBabelizer 1.55 Updater The good folks at Equilibrium have agreed to let me upload their updater which upgrades DeBabelizer 1.5 to 1.55. I rescued this file from the ZiffNet CI$ forum. Equilibrium said that CI$ *made* them put the updater in the extra-cost ZiffNet forum. Is this correct? What happened to the days of posting to the regular Mac Forums? When you talk to Tech Support people at s/w firms, please encourage them to post updaters to info-mac. the 1.55 upgrade adds various translators, enhances scripting w/ AppleScript and allows use of Adobe Photoshop 2.0 Acquire, Filter, and Export plug-ins. Apparently 2.5 plug-ins don't work too well. enjoy... Greg Smirin Harvard Business School [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/debabelizer-155-updt.hqx; 460K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 13:43:48 -0600 From: Kevin Savetz Subject: [*] internet-services-faq-15.txt Archive-name: internet-services/faq Last-Modified: 1993/11/25 Version: 1.5 INTERNET SERVICES FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Version 1.5 - 25 November, 1993 *** CHANGES IN THIS VERSION: 1.5: cleared up confusedness about "clients" and "servers" 1.6: added new info on network tools 2.1: added info on mailing to WWIVnet 2.1: added info on mailing to MCI Mail 2.1: added info on price of mailing to/from AppleLink 2.1: clarified (maybe) sending mail to FidoNet 2.1: Prodigy users can send/receive Internet mail. Woo woo! 3.2: Added several new BBS lists 3.4: location of "List of Lists" updated 3.4: updated info on locating December's Internet-CMC list 3.5: added info on "3W" magazine 3.5: added subscription cost info on Internet World 3.6: added info on "The Internet Navigator" book. 3.6: updated info on "Internet Guide for New Users" book 3.6: added "The Internet Starter Kit for the Macintosh" 3.6: added "The Mac Internet Tour Guide" 3.6: added price for "Connecting to the Internet: book Various typos removed, others undoubtedly added [Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/internet-services-faq-15.txt; 47K] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 12:07:50 -0600 From: bruce grubb <72130.3557@compuserve.com> Subject: [*] mac.ftp.list Version 3.7.9 Archive name: mac-ftp-list379.txt category: communication, text This is the latest version this report and should replace the previous version of mac-ftp-list.txt. Changes: utsun.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp is now ftp.u-tokyo.ac.jp; mcvert directory path added. Added sites: This is a update to Mike Gleason's ftp list {He gave me permision to continue it}. It lists a good number of mac anonymous ftp sites with notes on some and a little blurb on how to use anonymous ftp. [Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/mac-ftp-list-379.txt; 33K] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 09:39:28 EST From: gonzalez@crab.rutgers.edu (Ralph Gonzalez) Subject: [*] room-0-9-demo.hqx File: room-0-9-demo.hqx Here is a binhex-encoded copy of the demo version of The Listening Room for Macintosh computers. This is a program for assessing the effects of standing waves and early reflections in an audiophile's listening room. Please place it in a relevant archive (pertaining to Mac users and/or high-fidelity audio buffs). Ralph Gonzalez Internet email - gonzalez@crab.rutgers.edu [Archived as /info-mac/sci/room-09-demo.hqx; 162K] ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Nov 93 22:11:06 PDT From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst) Subject: [*] TidBITS#204/29-Nov-93 TidBITS#204/29-Nov-93 This week we explain Ted Nelson's new plans for Xanadu Light based on his talk at Hypertext '93. We also clarify the details on the Quadra 610, DOS Compatible that Apple announced recently. Charles Wheeler passes on a true Mac story that might prevent DOSsification, Apple asks for constructive interface suggestions for MacTCP, a free PDA newsletter appears, and Mark Anbinder notes that not all microphones are created equal. Topics: MailBITS/29-Nov-93 SuperDrive Activism MacTCP Call to Arms DOS Compatible Details True Mac Stories! Xanadu Light [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-204.etx; 30K] Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor -- ace@tidbits.com -- info@tidbits.com Author of The Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh -- tisk@tidbits.com ------------------------------ Date: Wed Dec 1 07:30:07 1993 From: dow86oss@ramstein.af.mil (Capt Jon Dagle;86OSS/DOW;480-2822;93-6194) Subject: "Not Enough Memory to Keep..." & more Greetings Info-Mac readers: I'm having difficulty with memory use on my PB165c (8MB/120MB). I frequently g get a message "Not Enough Memory to Keep the Window 'HD_name' Open." I also get "Insuficient Memory. Try closing windows or quitting applications to..." These aren't exact quotes, but I'm sure some of you have seen these. As additional background, I've tried different settings on the RAM cash, which _may_ help at about 512K, but not eliminate the problem. In addition, I have a fair number of custom icons on my HD (especially in the HD window. I know these take more memory to display; could this be the culperate? BTW, I use the PB almost exclusively in 256 colors (why else would I buy a color PB?). My second question is about hierachical Apple Menu INITS: I'm using BeHierachiic (an old version). I question its stability and want something better. I don't want a bunch of other features, like recent items, etc, just basic hierachical menu functions. Feel free to respond to me or info-mac. Thanks in advance. Jonathan Dagle Ramstein Air Base, Germany dow86oss@ramstein.af.mil ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 17:51:01 +0000 From: A.D'Emanuele@manchester-computing-centre.ac.uk (Antony D'Emanuele) Subject: 128MB Optical Disks - any differences in brands? I have been using Verbatim 128MB disks in my Panasonic MO drive. About 1 in every 4 is problematic and has to be returned. Has anyone had experience with this or other makes of disk. Look forward to your comments. Tony D'Emanuele, University of Manchester ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 18:12:00 +0100 From: eytan@dpt-info.u-strasbg.fr (Michel Eytan, LILoL) Subject: 32-bit clean programming languages > >Date: Wed, 24 Nov 93 21:10:21 GMT >From: Nigel.Gilbert@soc.surrey.ac.uk >Subject: 32-bit clean programming languages > >I'm wanting to try out some ideas (in fact about the simulation of >social processes, but that isn't relevant) by writing fairly simple >and small programs on my Quadra 700, which I run in 32-bit mode >because I need more than 8 megs of RAM for other tasks. > >However, I'm finding it surprisingly difficult to find a programming >language/development system to use. I first thought of Prolog, >but the Prolog for the Mac I have access to (LPA Prolog) is >not 32-bit clean. Then I tried Microsoft Basic; also not 32-bit >clean. I had a copy of Pop-11 by Cognitive Applications; not >32 bit clean. Of course I could write my prototypes in >Think C, but I'd much prefer something 'higher level' or >at least more tolerant of hacking (i.e. rapid prototyping). And >preferably nothing too expensive, as it comes out of my own pocket. >Any recommendations? > >-- >G. Nigel Gilbert, Social and Computer Sciences Research Group, >University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 5XH, England. Tel: +44 483 509292 I recommend that you try out AAIS_Prolog. It's one of the best! You can get a site licence and reduced price for academics. You may recommend yourself from me -- I am *not* affiliated in any way with AAIS. Enquiries: Douglas Lanam, President Advanced A.I. Systems P.O. Box 39-0360 Mountain View, CA 94039-0360 aais@applelink.apple.com You can gimme a ring, Man, if needed -- since you are so close geographically ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 12:39:44 EST From: papazian@gdstech.grumman.com (John Papazian) Subject: 840AV ethernet Could you tell me what the correct part number is for an adapter from the built-in ehternet port on the 840AV to a standard 15 pin connector from an IEE802.3 twisted pair ethernet transcever unit. the 15 pin connector is the one that mates to SHiva etherport II cards. Thanks papazian@gdstech.grumman.com ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 18:57:59 -0500 (EST) From: LAN Supervisor Subject: Accolades to Mac's Place I ordered two products (Greg Lemond's Bicycling Adventure & Jeopardy) from Mac's Place. When the order arrived---a day later---there was an offer for a free product (DiskFit Direct, Citadel or Glider) if I order any two products on the flyer. Both products I ordered were on the flyer, but I received the offer too late. I had no knowledge of the offer when I placed the order. I called Mac's Place; because of the circumstances (my order was shipped and I received the offer one day late), they offered to make good on the deal provided I pay the shipping. NO PROBLEM! I consider this customer service at it's best! Also--I know this may sound crazy to some---but another reason (other than customer service) I like Mac's Place is because their catalog is not "busy." I come across too many catalogs that are too congested and distracting. The Mac's Place catalog is "esthetically appealing" and doesn't tire my eyes. Thank you MAC's PLACE! Josephine Colmenares colmenares@murray.fordham.edu ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Dec 93 10:39:41 +0900 From: rafac@tanimoto.nuee.nagoya-u.ac.jp Subject: ANSWERING-MACHINE MODEMS. Hi everyone: Does such a thing exists? I want -Answering Machine -Fax modem -Data Modem. I don't know what it means, but The SupraFax has Voice Capabilities. What does that mean? Thanks a lot. Rafael Collantes Nagoya University JAPAN ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 14:42:19 -0800 From: Philip McBride Subject: apple midi manager [Q] My midi sequencer package (musicshop) mentions that I can get more functionality if I use the apple midi manager, but it doesn't provide it. Does anyone know where the midi manager can be found for system 7? And what is it all about? Thanks, Philip ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 09:11:29 PDT From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst) Subject: blank icons In Regards to your letter <199311292142.AA03355@nwnexus.wa.com>: > We have a PowerBook Duo 230 with a strange problem: all of the file icons > are of the "blank" application or document type. I have re-installed the > System (including System Update 2.0.1 and NSI 1.4.1), re-installed all of > our locally used extensions (Macintosh Easy Open & PC Exchange, ATM, etc.), > run Norton Disk Doctor, Disinfectant, and Disk First Aid (the latter > reported Catalog BTree problems which it said it fixed) and re-built the > desktop after each operation, and *still* the icons are blank. I have a similar problem, although it's not all my icons - just the ones on the desktop and some in the Apple Menu. And, even stranger, it's only document icons on the desktop - apps are fine. I've done all of the same stuff, and the only thing remaining is a reformat of the entire hard disk unless anyone can suggest any other routes. cheers ... -Adam Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor -- ace@tidbits.com -- info@tidbits.com Author of The Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh -- tisk@tidbits.com ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 19:24:47 CHT From: pmason@chasqui.mic.cl (Patricio Mason) Subject: Chip for swap (VRAM) I have a 256K video RAM (VRAM) chip for the LC, for which I have no use anymore. I could, however, use the same article for my Color Classic. Would anyone out there be interested in a swap? Please reply directly. P. Mason pmason@chasqui.mic.cl ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 12:58:00 -0800 From: bjturner@lynx.cs.usfca.edu (Benjamin J. Turner) Subject: Choosing a Printer [A] > 1. Genuine Adobe PostSript 2 (I am slighty prejudiced against > emulators!) > > 2. Three (Two in a pinch) Papertrays plus a manual feed > > 3. LocalTalk and EtherNet (with Automatic switching) > > 4. Folio size capability > > 5. Price $5000 (approx) > > 6. Internal HD (or at least a fast SCSI port) > > 7. PostScript (and Regular?) Fax > > 8. 1200+ by 1200+ dpi resolution > > 9. Automatic switching to other emulation modes. If it weren't for your need for 1200+ dpi, I'd say the LaserWriter Pro 810 with the Fax card option would be your best bet. If you need 1200+ dpi, I really don't know that there's anything out there in your price range (1200dpi is nearly imagesetter quality -- you'd need a varityper for sure if you need 2400). The 810 (incidentally, made by Dataproducts, which sells a few more versions of it, with fewer trays) has 3 trays standard, handles up to 11 x 17 size pages, has a resolution that goes up to 800 dpi, engine speed of 20 ppm, supports Postscript 2 and PCL 4+, speaks Appletalk, Netware, TCP/IP and Digital LAT (not even sure what that is), is built on a RISC processor, and has built in ethernet. Oh, and it does do envelopes. My advice is to check out Apple of Dataproducts. Good luck Benjamin Turner bjturner@lynx.cs.usfca.edu ------------------------------ Date: 30 Nov 1993 09:35:16 U From: "Harris Tom" Subject: Color IT(tm) I received my disk in perfect working order. I am just starting to use the application. I have a Performa 475 4/160 with numerous extentions and using virtual memory to achieve 12Mb of memory. In this configuration Color IT(tm) runs slow because of the virtual memory. I have found the program to be very useful and plan on learning how to use every feature.] I have had no need to call technical support so I have no opinion, but I like the product and it is well worth the price. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1993 10:15:50 +0100 (MET) From: bach@sun1.ruf.uni-freiburg.de (Michael Bach) Subject: Delrin Fax Pro (A?) If a Mac has a mixture of b/w and colour screens, not all software takes this prperly into account. Often programs look only at the bit depth of the main monitor. Your problem (Fax program not using gray scale) might be solved, if you set your colour screen as the main monitor (in the control panel "Monitors" or whatever it's called in English). If you already have set it so, this is, unfortunately, a superfluous message, forget it :-). --Greetings, Michael. -- Dr. Michael Bach, Dept. of Ophthalmology, University of Freiburg, D-79106 Freiburg, Germany. ++049(761)270-4060 ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 17:58:13 GMT From: isis@netcom.com (Mike Cohen) Subject: DeskPaint & DeskDraw (Q) Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes: >I got an offer in the mail advertising the DeskPaint & DeskDraw package >(Zedcor, Inc.) available for $29.95 + shipping. My questions are, > 1. Is this package worth the price? Depends on what you're looking for. If you have a PowerBook, you might like it. Both programs are very basic, but if you have a machine with limited disk & RAM and don't need too many features they're pretty good. I prefer SuperPaint & Illustrator on my IIci & IIsi, but use DeskPaint & DeskDraw on my PB 100. > 2. How much disc space and RAM is required? About 500K-1Meg of disk space is needed, depending on what optional files you install. Both programs can be loaded at the same time on a 4Meg PowerBook. > 3. Can the draw program save files as EPSF? Yes. >Thanks much for your help. >--John. >J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis -- Mike Cohen isis@netcom.com / ALink: D6734 / AOL: MikeC20 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1993 05:17:08 -0800 (PST) From: John Thoo Subject: DeskPaint & DeskDraw (R) I am forwarding this to the imdigest for Ed Welborn . --John. J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis On Wed, 1 Dec 1993, Ed Welborn wrote: > In Info-Mac Digest #229 you asked: > > >Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1993 19:26:19 -0800 (PST) > >From: John Thoo > >Subject: DeskPaint & DeskDraw (Q) > > >I got an offer in the mail advertising the DeskPaint & DeskDraw package > >(Zedcor, Inc.) available for $29.95 + shipping. My questions are, > > > 1. Is this package worth the price? > > 2. How much disc space and RAM is required? > > 3. Can the draw program save files as EPSF? > > >Thanks much for your help. > > >--John. > >J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis > > ------------------------------ > > John, > > Sorry to reply direct rather than through the digest, but I just haven't > figured out how to do that yet :-(. But you have my permission to post my > response there if you feel its worth it. > > DeskPaint & DeskDraw are IMO excellant tools. They seem to have all the > power and capabilities that much more expensive (ie SuperPaint) have and > maybe even a few more. (I have a friend who has SuperPaint and we compared). > > The docs I found to be a bit confusing, but after a few hours of playing > and reading I figured out how to use all the tools. The online help may > be more usefull than the printed manual. > > Together they require only 530K of HD space and as for RAM...well that's > hard to answer. It depends on what type and size of files you deal with. > B&W consumes very little and I think I remember setting the Get Info for > 1500k, but when I went to color I had to set it four times that to open > several 14'' screen sized color files. But there are lots of adjustments > one can make in the Page Setup that can reduce or increase each file's > size. (If you buy it you can email me to discuss my experiences with these > options, if you like.) > > My comparisons with SuperPaint showed basically the same usage. So there > is no advantage with either program. > > To answer your third question, I opened both and went to Save As. Desk > Paint listed MacPaint, TIFF and PICT as options. DeskDraw listed only > DeskDraw and PICT. > > In closing I must add that most of the opinions and experiences mentioned > above concern DeskPaint. I played with DeskDraw only minimumly as most of > my interest in such tools is with freehand drawing. > > In Joy, > Ed > >From Joy I Came > For Joy I Live > In Sacred Joy > I Melt Again > > ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 09:30:33 EST From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" Subject: Disk Partition Question The Quadra 840av has a 1 GB hard drive. Obviously, I need to partition it. 1. Does the newest version of Apple's HD formatter allow hard partitions? 2. What is the maximum partition size that I can have before I start get large disk allocations from small files? (80 MB) 3. I usually use Silverlining. However, I hear that the newer Quadras use direct DMA which Silverlining does not support. Is this true? Jeffrey Fritz West Virginia University jfritz@wvnvm.wvnet.edu ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 13:10:50 -0600 From: Bienvenu Jay Subject: Disney After Dark memory requirements In IM229 Matthew Johnson asks, > I have had problems recently with the randomizer in After Dark not having > enough memory to run specific modules. I remember seeing a fix once posted > to the newsletter. Could someone remind me of it? On that note, how much memory do the Disney modules require? Even on my LCII with 8 megs and no other apps running except the finder, I get "Out of memory" messages whenever I run a Disney module. -- Jay ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 15:42:57 EST From: Mike Harpe Subject: Duo Disaster--Modem and Memory Conflict! >I picked my Duo 210 up from my campus Mac dealer today, after getting a 4mb >simm installed in it. The tech pointed out that the Express modem extension >was causing it to bomb on startup. Sure enough, it does. On startup, the >bomb comes up, with the message "Express Modem--inimplemented trap" and a >suggestion to start up with extensions disabled. With extensions disabled, >it works, but suffers from significantly impaired functionality. If your modem worked before the upgrade, I'd tell the tech to fix the problem. Simply adding memory should not break the modem. I have been running an Express Modem in my Duo for almost a year now (I have one of the first ones) and I simply have not seen the weird problems reported on the net. Mine works fine. >Any suggestions? I hauled all the modem and fax related extensions from the >system folder, but it doesn't seem to help. I even checked to make sure >that the tech didn't screw up the installation...everything hardware wise >is fine. (At least, all the pins are in the right places...) Make sure your software is current. The tech should have done this. My Express Modem even worked back during the terrible days of Express Modem 1.0.1. Again, simply installing 4 MB of RAM should not break the modem. I would not have accepted the machine if he had told me that. By the way, I have a Duo 230 8/120 with a DuoDock. It worked fine after it got it's 4 MB upgrade. Tell the tech it's his problem. Mike Harpe University of Louisville ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1993 16:00:56 MST From: Bob_Bolt@itc.educ.ualberta.ca Subject: Ethernet / Classic II conne Subject: Ethernet / Classic II connection I am stuck with a couple of Classic IIs that I need to connect to our Ethernet network. Unfortunately, there is no way (that I am aware of) to make an Ethernet connect without going through the SCSI port. I have heard that the SCSI connection is fairly slow, so I would rather find a direct connection solution. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Please respond to bob_bolt@itc.educ.ualberta.ca ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 13:53:09 MET From: Christian F. Buser Subject: Fax Software (R) Wim Heys asked: >I recently bought a Tornado faxmodem (type 9696E). [...] The dealer >only supplies the specific fax software for MsDos and not for the Mac. Try FaxSTF, a commercial product. Here in Switzerland we had a user group sale this autumn for 60 or 65 Swiss Francs for the "full" version (not "LC"), but without OCR recognition of incoming messages and no networking capability. Best regards, Christian ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 10:03:15 +0100 (MET) From: "Ed van Zon, TFDL-DLO" Subject: Forgetting SuperPaint transformations (Q) Fellow netters, A friend of mine noticed the following using SuperPaint v3.0: He created a document containing a couple of hundred objects, grouped on several levels. This document takes 47 K on disk. After he rotates the contents by 90 degrees, the thing takes 102 K disk space ! It seems SuperPaint forever remembers (some) tranformations performed on an object, so one can 'remove transformations', effectively undo-ing them. While this might be handy sometimes, it also takes up a lot of K's, not to mention a noticable slowdown in opening, saving and displaying the document. His question: can one make SuperPaint 'forget' the transformations performed on an object (without undo-ing them, of course), so the thing takes the same amount of disk-space as before the transformation? If so, how? Help would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance. Ed van Zon e.p.m.van.zon@tfdl.agro.nl ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 20:10:35 -0500 From: ag311@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Carol Conti-Entin) Subject: FreeHand 4.0: which >120 free fonts? ...received the Aldus FreeHand 4.0 upgrade notice today. Among the selling points: "More than 120 Type 1 fonts in the box" Since I've got barely more than the minimum configuration to run the new version, and since I'm probably going to buy a PowerPC when they come out, I need to decide whether to bother upgrading or to wait until Aldus releases a true PowerPC version of FreeHand. It would help me to know which >120 fonts (by which font houses) come with the upgrade--anyone know? TIA! -- Carol Conti-Entin 2878 Chadbourne Road, Shaker Heights, OH 44120-2215 216-561-8720 Internet: ag311@cleveland.freenet.edu ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 14:32:18 EST From: "Jeffrey N. Fritz" Subject: Hard Partitioning I am awaiting shipment of my new Mac Quadra. It is a Quadra 840av with a 1 GB internal drive. Obviously, I will need to partition the drive. I have a couple of questions: 1. Does the newest version of Apple's HD formatter allow hard partitions? (E.g. Partitioning that doesn't create a file that tricks the MAC OS into thinking it's a partition.) 2. What is the maximum partition size that I can have before I start get large disk allocations from small files? (80 MB, 150 MB?) 3. I usually use Silverlining. However, I hear that the newer Quadras use direct DMA which Silverlining does not support. Is this true? I appreciate any insight that the netters can offer. Jeffrey Fritz West Virginia University jfritz@wvnvm.wvnet.edu ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 15:42:32 GMT From: denbesten@orchestra.bgsu.edu (William C. DenBesten) Subject: How can an application find it's own data fork? I don't recall all the details off the top of my head, but the basic idea is that the default resource file is the applications resource file when the application starts. By calling PBGetFCBInfo, you can get information about an open file, including file name, dirid, and vrefnum. Use these to open the data fork. Remember that some people run applications off of locked disks (floppies or servers), and you can not count on being able to write to your data fork. The same trick works to find other files in the application's folder. -- William C DenBesten is denbesten@cs.bgsu.edu or bgsuopie.bitnet ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 08:48:32 -0500 (EST) From: "Michael A. McGuire" Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #229 In Article <9311230241.AA24876@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>, info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) wrote: >Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1993 13:02:11 -0800 (PST) >From: "Mark H. Needleman" >Subject: mac security > >Does anyone know of any shareware products that allow you to lock a mac >after a certain amount of inactivity - i know many of the commercial >screen savers do this but Im looking for something rather inexpensive >since i need to install it on a bunch of machines > >Mark Needleman >University of California Try Dark Side of the Mac. It is free on a ftp.apple.com. Michael A. McGuire, UTCC - User Services mcguire@utkvx.utk.edu ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 08:55:20 -0500 (EST) From: "Michael A. McGuire" Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #230 In Article <9311292017.AA05936@CAMIS.Stanford.EDU>, info-mac-request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU (The Moderators) wrote: >Date: Fri, 26 Nov 93 17:50:20 -0500 >From: R. Keith Weaver >Subject: CD Jewel Cases for a 3.5" floppy > >I am interested in organizing some of my MIDI files in a library using the >standard CD jewel cases. However, I am having problems locating cases that >have an insert that will hold one 3.5" floppy rather than a CD. Does anyone >know of a store that might sell these? > > >- R. Keith Weaver (Canada Centre for Inland Waters) >Canadian Hydrographic Service Fax - (905) 336-8916 >867 Lakeshore Road Phone - (905) 336-4538 >Burlington, Ontario >L7R 4A6 I don't know but trik Software distributes their diskettes this way. You can contact them at (800) 466-trik or (617) 933-8810. Michael A. McGuire, UTCC - User Services mcguire@utkvx.utk.edu ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 12:40:07 -0500 From: Graeme Hirst Subject: InStat 2.01 on LC 520 -- has anyone done it? I recently bought a copy of the statistical package InStat 2.01 from Graphpad Software, and installed it on my LC 520. Unfortunately, when one gets to a certain point in performing linear regressions, the Mac completely freezes, and all one can do is restart. All attempts to work around this have failed. No, it's not the disk or the software per se; it runs fine on an LC III. No, it's not just my machine or extensions or other software; it behaves exactly the same when I have extensions turned off and on another LC 520 with radically different software, extensions, preferences, etc. I've been in touch with the publisher, who has tried to be helpful, but who is baffled by the problem (and who doesn't have an LC 520 to try it on, since in the U.S., they were sold only to schools). So the question is: Has anyone else succeeded in running InStat 2.01 on an LC 520? Has anyone else had my experience? Graeme Hirst Computer Science, University of Toronto gh@cs.toronto.edu ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 11:59:08 CST From: Robert Shaw Subject: Is there a MacTools 2.0 Emergency Disk with minSys7.1? I installed MacTools 2.0 last night and discovered that its Emergency boot disk with DiskFix contains a minimum version of System 7.01 which won't boot my Centris. I was able to make an Optimizer disk by using the min Sys7.1 from the Disk Tools disk, but DiskFix is too large to fit on a HD floppy with that system. Anybody else have this problem? Obviously, I need to call Central Point and request a compatible Emergency Disk, but I wanted to get some background information before calling. Before 20 people tell me that MacTools 3.0 just came out, save it, I know. This came bundled with DeltaGraph Pro 3.0 as a part of their promotion. By the way, I only got to the point of Optimizing (defragmenting) last night and I highly recommend it to anyone considering a purchase of a commercial defragger. Application loading and file access are now noticably faster. I believe hard drive wear and tear is supposed to be reduced as well. Robert Shaw c300841@mizzou1.missouri.edu ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 14:49:42 GMT From: Mark.Lomas@cl.cam.ac.uk Subject: Jabberwocky Normally I wouldn't have posted this to this newsgroup but since two copies have appeared with the same typing errors I thought that I should send a corrected copy - famous last words. For those with a PostScript printer you can see this as Lewis Carroll intended (i.e. Through the Looking Glass). Mark %! /Times-Roman findfont 12 scalefont setfont /Jabber { 36 756 moveto (\47Twas brillig and the slithy toves) show 36 744 moveto ( Did gyre and gimble in the wabe\73) show 36 732 moveto (All mimsy were the borogoves) show 36 720 moveto ( And the mome raths outgrabe.) show 36 696 moveto (\42Beware the Jabberwock, my son\41) show 36 684 moveto ( The jaws that bite, the claws that catch\41) show 36 672 moveto (Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun) show 36 660 moveto ( The frumious Bandersnatch\41\42) show 36 636 moveto (He took his vorpal sword in hand\72) show 36 624 moveto ( Long time the manxome foe he sought \55) show 36 612 moveto (So rested he by the Tumtum tree,) show 36 600 moveto ( And stood awhile in thought.) show 36 576 moveto (As in uffish thought he stood,) show 36 564 moveto ( The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,) show 36 552 moveto (Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,) show 36 540 moveto ( And burbled as it came\41) show 36 516 moveto (One, two\41 One, two\41 And through and through) show 36 504 moveto ( The vorpal blade went snicker\55snack\41) show 36 492 moveto (He left it dead, and with its head) show 36 480 moveto ( He went galumphing back.) show 36 456 moveto (\42And hast thou slain the Jabberwock\77) show 36 444 moveto ( Come to my arms, my beamish boy\41) show 36 432 moveto (O frabjous day\41 Callooh\41 Callay\41\42) show 36 420 moveto ( He chortled in his joy.) show 36 396 moveto (\47Twas brillig and the slithy toves) show 36 384 moveto ( Did gyre and gimble in the wabe\73) show 36 372 moveto (All mimsy were the borogoves) show 36 360 moveto ( And the mome raths outgrabe.) show } def Jabber 8 72 mul 0 translate -1 1 scale Jabber showpage ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 12:17:28 -0600 (CST) From: Eric Durbrow Subject: LineLink Modem FAQ? Did someone mentioned there was a FAQ on the LineLink 144e modem from Macwarehouse? Could not find it at sumex and would like to know whereabouts. Thanks! Eric Durbrow ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 18:49:18 -0600 (CST) From: Eric Durbrow Subject: LineLink problems I am having two problems with the LineLink 144e ($99) modem. First, it works when I connect the cable into the phone port of my IIsi. But it does not work when I connect its cable into a simple A/B switch box. Second, when I use SmartCom to get online at 14.4 Smartcom complains that the modem does not recognize the AT command set. Switching to the reduced command set does not work. Any solutions? Thanks. Eric Durbrow ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 06:30:40 PST From: "Dave Leiner" Subject: long lines and word wrap from hell (c) Pete Jemian writes: >Have you ever noticed postings that look like >>>>>> > After some midnight packet-watching, and such, I discovered that MacTCP is >*broadcasting* to any address with the last 5 bits set. This is what it >should >do if the rest of the address is identical to its own; but it does it >regardless >of the top 27 bits. ... ><<<<< > >That's because some people don't understand that if they set the >right margin to about 60-65 characters, then... I agree that these postings are a nuisance, but I don't agree with Pete's reason. I have this problem with my postings even though I do understand the margin issue. The problem is that my mail client (VersaTerm-Link) does not support an adjustable right margin. It uses the standard 80 column word wrap. I know I could go through the extra step of using a text processor, but so far it hasn't been worth the extra hassle. I just called VersaTerm developer, Synergy, and they were unaware of the difficult caused by the fixed margins. Maybe this will spur a fix, Pete. BTW, does anyone know why the digest wraps at such a short line with a non-standard number of characters? --Dave ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 11:22:13 -0600 From: avelin@univ-valenciennes.fr (J-Guy Avelin - Universite de Valenciennes) Subject: LPD (Unix-style line-printer-daemon) for Mac? > >Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1993 12:38:37 -0700 (MST) >From: "Declan A. Rieb" >Subject: LPD (Unix-style line-printer-daemon) for Mac? > > Is there available a (free/shareware) Mac version of lpd (to catch >Unix-style print requests from TCP/IP and put the data onto a local printer)? >I thought one existed, but cannot find it at SUMEX-AIM or UMICH... > Hi, Look at umich: directory : util/print/lpdaemon3.32 I use it and it works fine. You can also get it in a mirror site : anl.anl.fr (/pub/mac/umich/util/print). Bye. Jean-Guy ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 20:32:29 -0700 (PDT) From: Michael Murphy Subject: mac TCP I'm having problems configuring my Mac TCP. I'm following the instructions that came with it. I unberstand a little about unix, but I am still unable to connect uning interSlip. Could you please respond via email: umurphme@mcl.mcl.ucsb.edu thanks ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 01 Dec 93 07:40:00 EST From: Steve Greenfield Subject: Microsoft Word I am running Word 4.0D on my IIsi and my Centris 650. Is there a way to set a default for where new documents are saved without having to search through the folder heirarchy? Are there any good books on how to use Word? It came with a book but I find this book hard to dig out the answers that I want. I am going to buy Word 5.1 (isn't this the latest release?) for myself for Christmas. It will cost $81. Does anyone know if I should wait for a newer release to come out soon? I'd hate to spend the $81 and find out a new release is coming out within a couple of months! Thanks to all! /feats@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 09:01:41 PDT From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst) Subject: OptiMem I've gotten it and will be reviewing it in TidBITS at some point. Haven't gotten a chance to install it yet. cheers ... -Adam In Regards to your letter <199311292142.AA03355@nwnexus.wa.com>: > Does anyone use the new Optimem product? Does it work? How well? Is it worth > getting? Anyone with usage to report, I would love to hear from, and I think > lotsa folks on infomac would also like to hear. From the advertising, I can't > tell if this is a great product or pure snake oil! It is cheap, so if it works > like it says, it would be great. Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Editor -- ace@tidbits.com -- info@tidbits.com Author of The Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh -- tisk@tidbits.com ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 02:19:22 PST From: Gerry_Holland.UKTraining@rxuk.xerox.com Subject: PC CGM Files to the Mac World Does anyone know of a suitable CGM to MAC 'whatever' vector graphics file converter preferably shareware. Please E. Mail a response if appropriate Many Thanks GH ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 13:28:48 -0500 (EST) From: "Michael A. Chupa" Subject: Photoshop 2.5.1 breaks my Abaton 8-bit upgrade I have the Abaton (nee' Everex) 8-bit greyscale upgrade installed in my original Apple Scanner. The Abaton PS plug that I have been using for the past two years or so has stopped Previewing under Photoshop 2.5 and 2.5.1. Has anyone found a workaround? Mike Michael A. Chupa, Math/CS/Science Depts., Tower Hill School 2813 W. 17th Street, Wilmington, DE 19806 mchupa@brahms.udel.edu ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 1:26:17 PST From: wrowe@reed.edu (W. Rowe) Subject: PLW-LS Driver Update > While scanning the new Apple Mail Order catalog I noticed a LaserWriter > Printer Driver Update which will give PLW-LS owners the "advantage of > GrayShare technology". Has anyone tried this $49 new driver? Is it > worth the Price? Will it allow me to print in some form of grayscale??? > Thanks Rich Friedman@mbcl.rutgers.edu I bought the PLW-LS Printer Driver Update after trying to get a hold of the Select 300 driver that I had been told by someone on the net would run fine on the LS because the two printers are very similar. The Apple tech rep I spoke to swore up and down, however, that the Select 300 driver would not work on the LS, that this had been an initial foolish idea someone briefly had, and that I would have to plunk down $49 to get the specific LS update in order to print in greyscale. This turned out to be BS since when the software arrived the two programs were called Stylewriter driver and Select 300 driver respectively (as you can see the Select 300 is what actually comes with the update as opposed to a new driver specifically for the LS.) Aside for this not totally unexpected bit of subterfuge the update does indeed allow for both greyscale printing and network printer sharing, and even seems to increase printing speed a little if I'm not hallucinating. The LS will print in 30 shades of grey, and the stylewriter in 100 shades. One caveat: I originally bought the update to print integreted text and photo desk top publishing documents. The update will allow photos to print well in greyscale, but text fonts come out very poorly on a greyscale printed page. A page that contains both a photo and text impossible to print well. Because of this I am returning the update to Apple, but if this is not important to you the greyscale works fine otherwise. W.Rowe wrowe@reed.edu ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 14:12:17 -0600 From: adamh@merle.acns.nwu.edu (Adam Hauerwas) Subject: PLW NTR Upgrade Board (Q) Quickly, does anyone know how I can get my hands on an NTR upgrade board? I have a friend with an NT who wants to share that printer with a PC, and the NTR upgrade was discontinued along with the printer. Pointers appreciated. Please reply direct to adamh@merle.acns.nwu.edu; I will summarize. Adam Hauerwas, Macintosh Specialist | adamh@merle.acns.nwu.edu Duff & Phelps Financial Consulting | Hooking up words, & phrases & clauses ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 16:35:00 PST From: Sidelman@charon.dfh.dk Subject: Point Package Recommendations [Q] Hi World :-) I'm looking for a fidonet point package for the mac (mailers etc.). I'm currently using a PeeCee (yes you read right!), and of course I'd like to jump to the mac. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance M. Sidelmann (Internet: sidelman@charon.dfh.dk Fidonet: 2:234/125.14) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 11:27:47 -0500 From: hades@coos.dartmouth.edu (Brian V. Hughes) Subject: PowerPC 68040 emulation (C) "Dieder A. Bylsma" wrote: >A question for those PowerPC gurus....for a while now Apple has been >giving contradictory messages about the speed of their 680X0 emulations... I am by no means a guru when it comes to the PowerPC (I don't know that anyone is, since there have only been PowerPC machines out for a couple of months now), but I do read most of the stuff about it and what it will mean for Apple and the Mac. >First I hear of only 020 emulation... Correct. Originally the emulation code was only going to handle the instruction set of the 68020, which is identical to that of the '030 and nearly identical to the instruction set of the '040. >Then I hear of a fast 030 emulation... Not sure where you heard this, but Apple has never said anything about '030 emulation, fast or otherwise. >and now I seem to recall hearing that there is an emulation of the 040 >that runs effectively at the speed of a 25MHz 040 chip. >Which is correct? After Apple said the emulation program would emulate the instruction set of a 68020 "the public" took this to mean that programs run under emulation would only be as fast as an LC II. Since normal emulation speeds on the base PowerPC Mac are more the speed of the C610/Q610 Apple felt that it would be more appropriate if the emulation code emulated the 68LC040, which mean adding the instruction MOVE16 to the emulator code. It's the LC040 and not the full '040 because the emulator will not emulate FPU instruction calls, instead any SANE calls made by a Mac program will be trapped and executed by the PowerPC 601's FPU. >Where can I get more information about the PPC in specific details? I'm >not interested in the real technical details, but finding out what >features will be in these machines when they are released. This kind of information is still purely speculation. Apple hasn't officially said what the actual features of the Power PC Macs. >There are only 2 varieties of PPC chips right now right? 60 or 80MHz 601 >right? Or will it only be the 80MHz one? There are three varieties: 50MHz, 66MHz, and 80MHz. >What will differentiate all these new machines in the beginning? i.e. >basic ports will remain the same, basic NuBus slots, but different >hardware cases and memory capacities? There will be three different speeds of PowerPC Macs: 60Mhz in a Quadra 610 case, 66Mhz in a Quadra 650, and 80Mhz in a Quadra 800 case. -Hades ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 20:23:25 EST From: WHAR0739@URIACC.URI.EDU Subject: Quadra 660AV Info Wanted I am sorry if I sound like an (*) at anytime during this story/inquiry.... but I am clearly frustrated. I am really interested in buying a Quadra 660AV with the audiovision monitor. I have read a few articles on this subject and even a few publications from Apple, but everything is still not so clear. For example, in something that I read on the Apple higher education gopher server, it was stated that, "For example, with its built-in GeoPort telecommunications architecture, the Macintosh Centris 660av can connect with telephone systems, so you can use your computer as a tele-phone, an answering machine, a fax machine, and an electronic mail station. Its video capabilities let you view or capture video from a VCR, laser disc, or camcorder in a window. You can also connect directly to a TV to show your presentations or to a VCR to make videotapes." Of course I went down to our campus reseller and proceeded to ask a few pertinent questions about this information. To make a long story short, he ended up handing me a book called Mac Facts dated August '93 and (what a swell guy) he opened up to the page that the 660AV's info was on. So, I looked through all of the information concerning my potential purchase and saw something to the effect that I have to buy a Geoport Telecom Adapter($105) in order to hook my AV up to my phone line...that's about $105 more than I expected to spend for this. I was looking through something else later...I forget what... and I saw that the AV has an internal expansion slot for digital audio/video capabilities and then I got to wondering if I will be able to hook up my VCR to my Quadra and my Quadra to my VCR, etc, without having to buy another card. Another point that I am pondering is...Ok, it's a phone answering machine and a fax machine....nothing mentions anything about software to run this or if you can also use the phone lines for transmitting and receiving data, which I would assume that you can if you can use it as a fax machine. One more thing, that is if you haven't skipped to the next item already, is about the monitor. In the Apple Higher education price list at my school, the University of Rhode Island, it is mentioned that the AudioVision monitor comes packaged with an adapter...I don't know what this adapter does and I don't know why it would need an adapter since the monitor was made with the AV Macs in mind and I believe that I read that it is not supported by other Macs. *Please* tell me whatever you can about the Quadra 660AV, since I can't get a straight answer out of any publications, not to mention my campus reseller *LAUGH*. Bill Harrigan WHAR0739@uriacc.uri.edu University of Rhode Island ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 13:52:23 MET From: Christian F. Buser Subject: RasterOps Accelerator (C) simula3@di.unito.it (Alex Rodella) asked: >... recently got an old NuBus video card named "RasterOps Accelerator II". [...] >Nicely indeed, even if the card is inserted in a slot in his IIcx, the >slot appears as empty to the Operating System. I suggest to contact RasterOps directly. You can reach their technical people under RASTERHELP on AppleLink. However, you can't reach them there from the Internet since they chose to not receive internet mail on their AppleLink account. There might be another address for internet mail, but I don't know it. RasterOps Control Panels etc. are also available for downloading on AppleLink in the directory /ThirdParty/RasterOps. Hope this helps, Christian. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 14:54:37 +0100 From: robk@stack.urc.tue.nl (Rob Kouwenberg) Subject: RasterOps Accelerator info wanted (A) L.S., Rasterops tech help is done by alan_braithwaite@rasterops.com. Files ( especially updates ) can be found at ftp.rasterops.com. Hope this helps, greetings, Rob kouwenberg (*robk@stack.urc.tue.nl,Gr.Adolfstraat86,5616BX,Eindhoven,Holland*) ------------------------------ Date: 30 Nov 1993 12:03:55 -0400 (EDT) From: stjaffe@vaxsar.vassar.edu (steve jaffe) Subject: Screensaver with password unfade - answer In Info-Mac Digest v11 no 229 Mark Needleman writes: ----------------------------- Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1993 13:02:11 -0800 (PST) From: "Mark H. Needleman" Subject: mac security Does anyone know of any shareware products that allow you to lock a mac after a certain amount of inactivity - i know many of the commercial screen savers do this but Im looking for something rather inexpensive since i need to install it on a bunch of machines Mark Needleman University of California ----------------------------- Darkside of the Mac will do this. It's excellent and free. Available at sumex-aim. However, I wouldn't recommend this as a serious security feature, since it runs as an application and can therefore be Quit by any casual user. Steve Jaffe Math Dept Box 500, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie NY 12601 stjaffe@vaxsar.vassar.edu ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 23:00:32 EST From: "Allan M. Bloom" Subject: Sound Manager 3.0 (Q) Could one of you real gurus tell me what Sound Manager 3 is good for? I knew it partly killed SoundMaster (1.7.3) -- no startup sound. Then Leslye told me that HemiRoids flat killed her new C650. I know marching orders. I dropped a note to HemiRoids' author. Sean said it was a known conflict with Sound Manager 3. Oh goody. I turned off SM3. SoundMaster works. HemiRoids works. What am I killing? I assume SM3 does something useful. Else why would Apple inflict it on us? Al Bloom, Virginia Tech ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 NOV 93 12:51:25 GMT From: EFE@V1.PH.QMW.AC.UK Subject: suggestion and question Dear Moderators, The Periodicals folder has become a bit large and scruffy - some publications are in their own folders, while others are stored loose. When someone has the time, perhaps all publications should go into folders? Numbers 228 and 230 have appeared, but 229 seems to be missing? Just trying to help - many many thanks for the excellent and invaluable service you provide! Cheers, Eric Eisenhandler [Yes, we agree. The per folder is on our to-do list. 229 did go out. We don't archive digests until they show up in the mail. For some reason (may have had to do with the sumex-aim crash this weekend) 229 didn't get out as quickly. We only just (today) got it in our own mail box. 229 will be archived this afternoon or tomorrow morning. -Gordon] ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 12:28:47 -0500 From: Dolben@UNH.edu (Hank Dolben) Subject: SUMEX-AIM Connections (AFS) [C] In Info-Mac Digest Volume 11 - Issue 230, Carl B. Constantine wrote, "I think it would be beneficial for SUMEX to ... adopt the use of AFS." To which Gordon Watts replied, in part, "Really, a new type of archive needs to be constructed (distributed?)." First, for those who don't know, AFS (also known as the Andrew File System) is a distributed file system. That means that a single file system exists on a network with the actual files spread over many servers. A client sees the whole file system without needing to know which files are on what actual machines. A file may actually have copies on more than one server to improve performance and reliability. The system uses UDP/IP, so it works on the Internet. There are a lot more interesting features of AFS which I won't bother trying to describe. While, in general, AFS sounds like a wonderful thing, and may be just what you've always wanted, it probably isn't a good solution for Macintosh archives on the Internet because there are no Macintosh AFS clients or servers. AFS is a commercial product of Transarc Corporation, and runs on a number of UNIX workstations made by DEC, Sun, Silicon Graphics, HP, and IBM. In order to access AFS, a Mac must go through a UNIX workstation running AFS and a translator. If the translator provides AppleTalk Filing Protocol, AFS can only be accessed via AppleTalk networks. An NFS translator provides IP access, but I'm guessing that administrators who have opted for AFS may be reluctant to run NFS concurrently. The future may bring a descendent of AFS directly to the Macintosh, but who knows. Meanwhile, the World Wide Web (WWW) provides distributed data over the Internet. Although not a transparent file system, it is fundamentally a hypermedia information retrieval system, which could provide (IMHO) more effective means of browsing archives than currently used tools. I don't mean merely gateways to existing protocols such as FTP and Gopher, but, for example, hypertext documents leading to Macintosh binary files. Free WWW client (NCSA Mosaic) and server (MacHTTP) software for the Macintosh already exists. Regards, Hank Dolben [Ah, thanks. I suspect what ever system we use would have to be free. WWW is part of the answer -- it is distributed -- but we need AFS's ability to have multipule copies around so one site with a very popular binary doesn't get bogged down. So, we need a "combination" of the two, I suppose -Gordon] ------------------------------ Date: 30 Nov 1993 09:42:22 U From: "Harris Tom" Subject: Super Drive problem I use an accelerated SE at the office and a Performa 475 at home. The SE has a standard 800K floppy disk drive and the Performa 475 has a Super Drive(the auto eject kind). The problem I have is my Super Drive receives disk errors when reading 800K floppies(not every 800K floppy). I have no problem reading the 800K floppies on the SE. Periodically I format a new 800K floppy on the SE to bring work home, and I can not read my data because of disk errors. The SE has no problems with the floppy disk. Any suggestions are appreciated. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 11:53:24 CST From: Robert Shaw Subject: SWII cartridge in SWI? Our campus computing store told me when I purchased a Stylewriter II that its cartridges would work in the Stylewriter I. SWI cartridges however are not supposed to work properly in the SWII. Robert Shaw c300841@mizzou1.missouri.edu ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 13:54:14 MET From: Christian F. Buser Subject: System version for Classic waxman@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil asked: >I have recently acquired a Mac Classic: >2M Ram, 40M hard disk >Current Finder: 6.1.7 >Current System: 6.0.7 > >1) What is the latest version of System software that can comfortably run >on this configuration (i.e. I would assume System 7 would be -very- >sluggish)? Unless you have more RAM available (I think, minimum is 4 mB), I would not change to Sys 7 / any version. However I had a MacPlus with 4mB RAM running 7.01 with tune-up; no problem. System 6.0.7 is the most recent version (there is 6.0.8, but this is only the "System 7 printing software" with the rest of 6.0.7). >2) Where do I find a copy of the System software that is the answer to >question 1? If you need a set of disks for 6.0.7, try to find someone who receives the Apple Developer CDs (ask in your local user group). System 6 can be copied freely. Or your Apple dealer will let you copy it. Best regards, Christian. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 13:10:03 CST From: Akira Subject: tablets I am in the market for a talet, and need some advice. I do 3d graphics and need a tablet that can be scaled for the view. I am more or less sold on either Waocum (sp?), or a Calcomp. Any advice, just pass it along. I use Infini-D, and Sketch!...also PhotoShop. I do not think that having a thousand levels of pressure is is very high on my list. Akira ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 10:55:39 -0700 From: Bruce Carter Subject: Time line creation utility Greetings all, Does anyone have any information about a commercial version of a time line construction utility or kit? My boss is interested in using something like this in his instructional technology class, and he believes he saw a HyperCard based example of it at a recent conference. I'm sure that I've seen something like this around. I'm looking for commercial quality, though a good shareware or freeware program would be considered as well. It does not have to be HyperCard based, though it can be. Thanks for any information. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1993 13:53:33 +0100 (CET) From: peter@Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE (M. Peter) Subject: TYPEING-TEACHING-PROGRAMM Hi to all... ...just a short question: Is there a programm out there in the net-world, which teaches me typing with 10 fingers....??? If YES..: Where, which, what??? Thanx in advance Marcus ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1993 09:05:44 +0100 From: Luc Patiny Subject: Video OUT on a quadra 610 (Q) How can I connect a "normal" TV on my Quadra 610. In the specifications, it is writing that there is a NTSC and a PAL output (in Europe ?). Thank you. Luc Patiny (patiny@chor.ucl.ac.be) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 22:06 EST From: Don't Panic! Subject: Virus protection for PC (thank you) Dear Netters, Thank you, for all who replied. If anyone wants a summary, I'll can come out with one around xmas, if requested. At least 15 replies came in already :-) Amazing how popular this network is. Sincerely, ABRODY@VAX.CLARKU.EDU ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 07:31:08 GMT From: gweil@ibeam.jf.intel.com (Garry Weil) Subject: Watermark in Word 5.1 How? I know that Word for Windoze allows you to add a watermark. How about Word for Mac? Garry ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 14:09:42 -0600 From: adamh@merle.acns.nwu.edu (Adam Hauerwas) Subject: WFW <-> AppleTalk and MSMail (Q) Help! Have *I* got a problem... The company that I work for has recently entered into a joint venture with a small firm in Connecticut. Guess what? They're on Windows for Warehouses -- uh, I mean Workgroups. We're in Chicago, and we're all Mac. I need a way to *easily* transfer files between these two networks, and my boss and I have thought of several solutions. The only question is which of these is the easiest to implement. I've listed them in order of "attractiveness". 1. I *thought* I could use email. I am just now setting up Microsoft Mail for the Macintosh here in my Chicago Office, and I figured that if we had a MacMail server here and a PC Mail server there (both with modems) that they could transfer files to one another, without a WAN. Well, in looking through the skimpy manual, I have yet to find a way to do it. I tried calling Microsoft Technical support, and they now want $150 PER CALL to help anyone out (thanks, Microsoft). Any suggestions/pointers? 2. I can set up a PC here in Chicago running WFW, and have them install a Shiva NetModem for Windows for Workgroups. It apparently gives the same functionality as AppleTalk Remote Access for WFW nets, and would allow me to set up a "transfer station" here in Chicago. 3. I can ship them a Macintosh, and let them have a "transfer station" in Connecticut. We have a Shiva LanRover/E, so they could drop files on our file server. However, the machine that goes out there would have to have a SuperDrive to read PC disks, and I'm not really prepared to sacrifice anything more than an SE. 4. As a last resort, they can fire up a terminal emulator, we can fire up a terminal emulator, and we can ZMODEM files to each other. Of course, some of those files might be 1M+ spreadsheets, and this requires *coordination* on the part of the people transferring files. Any suggestions? Any and all input is accepted -- as long as Connecticut doesn't have to convert to Macs :) Many thanks in advance. ---- Adam Hauerwas, Macintosh Specialist | adamh@merle.acns.nwu.edu Duff & Phelps Financial Consulting | Hooking up words, & phrases & clauses ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1993 15:52:52 +0000 (U) From: WalrathW Subject: Working Applications -> Icons (C) > Date: Sun, 21 Nov 1993 23:29:05 -0500 From: lt10@cornell.edu (Li-Hsiang > Tu) Subject: Working Applications -> Icons (Q) > > Is there a CDEV/INIT that by clicking somewhere will shrink the current > application into a icon, just like what a OpenWindow or MS Window would > do? > > ------------------------------ There used to be (and probably still is) an init in the archives called WindowShade which would allow you to double click a window's title bar to shrink the window up to only the title bar. -wayne walrathw@rferl.org ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1993 05:02:02 +0000 From: m.stoermer@mailbox.uq.oz.au (Martin Stoermer) Subject: Working Applications -> Icons (Q) >Is there a CDEV/INIT that by clicking somewhere will shrink the current >application into a icon, just like what a OpenWindow or MS Window would do? > The best thing for this sort of work is the wonderful freeware application Applicon by Rick Holzgrafe. This displays a row of icons or tiles (with optional application name on your desktop in any user-definable place or direction) for all open applications. Single-clicking on a tile brings that application to foreground. Very easy to use, mostly stable (can be a bit memory-sensitive), and free. Just pop it in your startup items folder and it will run on startup. And if you need the memory for something else, just quit it. Not like some nasty init things at all. martin 3D Centre, University of Queensland, St. Lucia Quuensland Australia ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 30 Nov 93 09:54:55 -0500 From: Norman_Chretien@wheatonma.edu (Norman Chretien) >From Info-Mac Digest V11 #230: >A well-known friend of mine, Alessandro Levi Montalcini, recently got >an old NuBus video card named "RasterOps Accelerator II". The card has >plenty of on-board memory, which is able (I think) to use as GWorld >memory or as a RAMdisk. >Nicely indeed, even if the card is inserted in a slot in his IIcx, the >slot appears as empty to the Operating System. >Does he need to throw away the card? >Does he need a control panel/extension? Where can I find it? (with >FTP, Gopher, etc.) >Does he need to sell his IIcx? ;-) > >TIA, >Fabrizio Oddone Someone may want to verify my calculations, but I figure that every hour these two spend on this video card project, that's slightly more than 214 programs, utilities, and extensions going unwritten. Guys, please do us all a favor and send the card to: Norman Chretien Wheaton College Norton, MA 02766 (USA) I'll figure it out. Thanks. ------------------------------ End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************